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ScaLapack Installation Linux

It is easy to install ScaLapack using ScaLapack-Installer.

For further options you should see Readme.

Prerequisites : mpich2 and gfortran installed.

Step 1: Download ScaLapack-Installer.

Step 2: unzip and untar using the following commands.

gunzip scalapack_installer.tgz
tar xvf scalapack_installer.tar

Step 3: write the following command in bash etc.

cd scalapack_installer

./ --prefix=/home/arfeen/scalapack-install --mpibindir=/opt/mpich2/bin --downblas --downlapack

 Alternate ways of ScaLapack Installation

If you are using ubuntu, use the following commands for  ScaLapack Installation

$sudo apt-get install scalapack-mpi-test

If you are using Red Hat or Fedora, use the following commands for  ScaLapack Installation

$yum search scalapack-mpich2

$yum install scalapack-mpich2

Comment here if u are facing problems in ScaLapack installation.
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